Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Summer Recap

Princess Party Success!
Yep, that's right our little girl is 4! It's hard to believe that she is growing up so quickly but I have certainly been warned that this would happen. We celebrated in a courtly way, gathering good friends
and lots of preschooler fun: dress-up, jumpy house, bubbles, balloons, crafts, screaming, running, pile-ups, cupcakes and PIZZA!

Rain and sweltering Georgia heat nearl
y brought and end to our outdoor adventure but the kids didn't seems to mind and the adults simply glowed in that glazed donuts sort of way. It was certainly a day to remember, although Hannah is already begun planning next year's event, informing us that it will have something to do with T-Rexes...her latest obsession.

Still Baby Connor to Hannah
Sweet baby Connor is no longer a baby..having reached the 19th month milestone~ He is certainly a sweet boy, evidenced below! He is running, climbing, screaming and throwing with a vengeance and each day is filled with smiles, tears and a whole lot of trying to interpret what his nods, screeches and pointing means....hopefully he will soon begin using the words that we sometime hear him utter!

Dublin and the Camp House
This summer we also spent a few days in Dublin with the Rowlands. One of those days found us out at the camp house where Hannah made her own fishing pole and tried, although unsuccessfully tried to catch something, and Connor had his first of what I assume will become many, 4 wheeler rides. Who knew the Ergo could be so useful? And don't worry Jason went really slowly and Connor LOVED it!

1 comment:

  1. Love your photos Jess!! The one of Hannah on the dock with the pole and the one of Jason and Connor are AWESOME!! Looks like you had a great summer :)
